Theory of Work

General Statement
Work is focused, sustained, and purposeful effort. The difference between “busy work” and “hard work” is belief in a greater purpose. Working hard requires a motivation that stems from our beliefs. We continuously grow in our work and make efforts to improve our performance. We join networks of people who share in this work to make substantial gains in our productivity.

Specific Examples
There are various forms of work that depend on their respective purposes.
·      I work in education to inspire our students and teachers to be passionate about their work. I believe in a future where the education system cultivates curiosity and instills passion in people.

·      I work inwardly to embrace mistakes, control thoughts, regard emotions, and ask questions. I believe in a personal path toward a balanced, healthy, and enlightened self.

·      I work outwardly to be a helpful, responsible, and respectful human being. I believe that our actions influence the lives of others and the future of our species.

·      I work along with others to establish relationships, orchestrate connections, and build community. I believe that we will accelerate growth by teaching each other while building together.

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