I would be using JumpRope if I were teaching this semester. I would save so much time not having to do purposeless record-keeping. I'm a fan. Try it.http://www.jumpro.pe/features/standards-based-gradebook
This is definitely in the correct direction when it comes to a Growth Mindset replacing a Fixed Mindset. We should be focusing student attention away from scores/numbers and toward goals/mastery. A 67% doesn't tell me what I need to improve. Feedback needs to be self-explanatory and timely.
Example for teachers:
Do you truly believe every one of our students can achieve mastery?
I do. I believe there is a distribution of the amount of support and intervention required to get every child to mathematical literacy. We aren't successfully serving our youth yet. I argue that our progress in defining the appropriate interventions is muddled by assessment practices that damage curiosity and confidence in our youth. New assessment practices will help put an end to the shaming our defamatory culture brings to the people.
Enjoy Work.
Image: Nigel Holmes / Graph Content: Carol Dweck / Blog Source: QED Foundation